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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Abu Simbel - Egypt

Not only are the two temples at Abu Simbel, a major monuments in the world and the removal of the reconstruction was an historic event in itself. When the temples (280 km from Aswan) were threatened with flooding of Lake Nasser, the High Dam, the Egyptian Government secured the support of UNESCO and launched construction of the action world. During the rescue operation, which began in 1964 and lasted until 1968, broke two churches and grew to 60 meters of sandstone when it was built more than 3,000 years until today. Here are gathered in the same ratio between the sun and covered with an artificial mountain. Most of the associated stone, now filled by antiquity experts, but inside the house can still see where the block was reduced. You can go inside an artificial dome and see pictures showing the different stages of a huge exhibition program removal. Abu Simbel was first reported in JL Burckhardt in 1813, when he came over hill and just as big facade of the church, as he prepares to leave the area within a river.

Both temples Ramses II primarily for Re-Harakhte, and his wife, Nefertari is Hathor, was needed to see Victoria visited Egypt, but it should be up and traveling the Nile, and often involve deeply in the sand, as they were when Burckhardt took them.

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